DS Hortitrade


Havenstraat 49

Opening hours

Mon-Thu 8h-17h

Fri 8h-16h


Hergebruik in de glazen stad

De circulaire economie van de serrehandel in Nederland.

Transport Design Demolition Dismanteling Installation

Cleaning of the parts, reparations

DS Hortitrade was founded in 2010 as a sister company of Debets Schalke, which since 1985 has grown into one of the largest greenhouse builders in the Netherlands. Although today Debets Schalke focuses almost exclusively on selling turn-key greenhouse projects, it still offers reclaimed greenhouses and accessories through DS Hortitrade.

Growers will find greenhouses at DS Hortitrade up to several hectares in size that are delivered as a kit, whether or not accompanied by a team that supervises the construction. DS Hortitrade is also specialised in used horticultural machinery and accessories, and can therefore provide a full range of reclaimed equipment for horticulturalists.

It is also possible to buy the parts of the greenhouses at DS Hortitrade. Any second-hand parts can still serve as replacement parts for existing greenhouses, or be sold to other companies for the construction of all kinds of shelters.

Last modification: 15/05/2024