Halmstad Byggåtervinning


Slagfältsvägen 3
302 62 Halmstad

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 7.30-15.30 (closed 12.00h-12.30h)

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Halmstad Byggåtervinning is an employment project selling reused material and has been operating under the city of Halmstad for 25 years. The material comes from mostly private-owned demolition sites and sometimes from the municipality’s buildings. They clean and prepare brick on site as well as quality inspect all material before selling it. Some of the staff have been working there for a long time and have a broad knowledge about the materials they are selling, they have even noticed items coming back to them for the second time. Some of the material supplied are produced locally, for example roof tiles from the cities closed brick factory Slottsmöllan and gneiss and granite probably from Grötvik's quarry. The organisation can take responsibility for delivering the products upon request and and extra delivery fee.

Last modification: 27/11/2023